It’s easy, have two kids and not enough sleep.
I have been sleeping better. The solution was easy, don’t go to bed until you feel like you’re going to die. Then you sleep like a stone. Funnily I feel much better doing this than going to bed early to try and catch up.
So here I am, now with a bit more time (as I’m not allowed to go to bed early). I’ve had a botany day today, the time was used only semi-productively as I’m a bit rusty. I had a go at identifying trees without leaves, but as there are few trees at 3 Chapel Terrace and I’ve already identified them, I have committed an act of treachery.
I adventured into the field behind the house. I’ve had a go at winter tree identification before, when I lived in Musselburgh. I went out with the best of intentions with my AIDGAP guide to broadleaved trees and shrubs in winter. I then discovered a flaw in the plan! The guide relies solely on twigs and buds and I couldn’t reach any of the bl**dy things.
This time I aimed for trees with reachable twigs and ‘hey presto!’ this guide is suddenly a nifty piece of kit. The leaf buds and scars started to look pretty distinctive. Check out the sinister looking leaf buds on an ash tree:
In the howling winds and driving rain I actually found myself slightly (OK, quite a bit) freaked out by these evil looking baby leaves. What is wrong with me? The branches were waving at me like sinister claws aiming to capture me and turn me into a tree, or maybe eat me or perhaps it was just planning to fall on me. I nicked a twig off the ground underneath and ran away in to the middle of the field where it couldn’t get me.
I’ll be keeping an eye on that one in future, I can see it from Izzy’s bedroom window. I might keep checking it to make sure it doesn’t get any closer!