Species lists updated

Hi all,

I’ve updated the species lists at last.  I think I’ve now scoured the premises for everything I can find.  There will still be a few poor unfortunates who make it into my bug pot like the stunning Lilac Beauty (see below).

Apeira syringaria in the pot last night.

I’m planning on setting a moth trap next month, although I need to figure out how it’s done. I have some ex-colleagues who set them left, right and centre. They get up (set a moth trap) have breakfast (set a moth trap) brush teeth……..etc.  Can’t be too difficult. I’ve also not collected any slugs.  I’ll perhaps have to have a slug evening.  Anyone like to join me?

Anyway, the current species list stand at 88 plants and fungi, 70 invertebrates and 39 birds and mammals.